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catalouge v3

Available Climate Courses


Introduction to Climate Science

This course provides a foundational understanding of climate science, including how human activity influences the global climate and the consequences of climate change.

Teacher: Dr. Jane Smith


Climate Policy and Advocacy

Learn how to influence climate policy and advocate for change. This course covers the global political landscape, environmental law, and grassroots climate action.

Teacher: Prof. John Doe


Renewable Energy and Sustainability

This course explores the science, technologies, and policies related to renewable energy, emphasizing the transition to sustainable energy systems.

Teacher: Dr. Emily White


Climate Change and Human Health

This course examines the direct and indirect effects of climate change on human health, including heatwaves, air quality, and the spread of diseases.

Teacher: Dr. Anna Taylor


Sustainable Urban Development

Explore how cities can grow sustainably while reducing their carbon footprint. This course covers sustainable urban planning, architecture, and policy.

Teacher: Dr. Lisa Green


Environmental Justice and Equity

Study how climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable communities and learn about strategies for promoting environmental justice and equity.

Teacher: Dr. Sarah Brown