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Available Climate Courses

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dadasdIntroduction wadsto awClimate sdwa sd wa sdScience

UsefulIntroduction Bootstrapto 4Climate ComponentsScience

This themecourse supportsprovides Bootstrapa 4foundational components.understanding Youof canclimate usescience, including how human activity influences the usefulglobal componentsclimate toand enhancethe yourconsequences Moodleof courseclimate design.change.

Teacher: KateDr. DoeJane Smith

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 da sdaw dasd wa s awd Enroll

Course Demo 1.1 (Topics Format)

This is the course summary excerpt (max. 200 characters). You can also upload an image in the "Course summary files" field to use as the course thumbnail image.

Teacher: Kate Doe

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CourseClimate DemoPolicy 1.2and (Weekly Format)Advocacy

Learn how to influence climate policy and advocate for change. This iscourse covers the courseglobal summarypolitical excerptlandscape, (max.environmental 200law, characters).and Yougrassroots canclimate also upload an image in the "Course summary files" field to use as the course thumbnail image.action.

Teacher: KateProf. John Doe

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CourseRenewable DemoEnergy 1.3and (Social Format)Sustainability

This iscourse explores the coursescience, summarytechnologies, excerptand (max.policies 200related characters).to Yourenewable canenergy, also upload an image inemphasizing the "Course summary files" fieldtransition to usesustainable asenergy the course thumbnail

Teacher: KateDr. DoeEmily White

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CourseClimate DemoChange 1.4and (GridHuman Format)Health

This is a course demo usingexamines the populardirect "Grid"and courseindirect format.effects Youof canclimate downloadchange on human health, including heatwaves, air quality, and the coursespread formatof plugin from Moodle's official plugins directory.diseases.

Teacher: KateDr. DoeAnna Taylor

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CourseSustainable DemoUrban 1.5 (Collapsed Topics Format)Development

Explore how cities can grow sustainably while reducing their carbon footprint. This is a course democovers usingsustainable theurban popularplanning, "Collapsedarchitecture, Topics"and course format. Maker theme applies a custom styling for this course format.policy.

Teacher: KateDr. DoeLisa Green

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Environmental Justice and Equity

Study how climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable communities and learn about strategies for promoting environmental justice and equity.

Teacher: Dr. Sarah Brown